Sunday, May 1, 2011

And Then There Were Two....

Sorry for the delay with the blog, but we have run into some logistical issues of late and I wanted to sort through those before we started posting again.  Long story short, two of our girls decided it wasn't the right time for them to travel away from home for an extended period of time.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed and a bit broken by the news.  However, I would also be lying if I said I wasn't still incredibly excited about the opportunities that await us on our summer adventure.

Auna, Deija, and I have been busy fundraising and purchasing gear whenever we get the chance.  Scratch and Dent sales at REI have allowed Auna to get outfitted for super cheap and a quick trip to the fabric store and my elementary sewing skills saved us some money on travel sheets for the hostels.  The next post will have Auna describing in more detail our fundraising efforts.  Let's just say that Auna will for the rest of her life have a disdain for blackberry bushes and forever be able to identify Scotch Broom and how to efficiently remove it.

Bree Fuqua, a former SHS teacher will be joining us for our 500 mile jaunt.  She is a seasoned traveler and we are excited to have her come with us. (Bree's Bike Blog) She has solidified her travel plans and will be meeting us in Paris on the 23rd of June.  Where in Paris, I have no clue.  I'm sure we'll figure it out.  Paris can't be that big, right?

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