Miles today: 15.6
Miles total: 232.6
It was a pretty easy day today. We did about 26 kilometers. Along the walk we came upon this older guy parked by the side of the road. He had a basket of hard candies, and a stamp for credentials. Us three stopped for a stamp and ended up getting some nice lessons. First he called us "chicas bonitas" Then went on to write something on the top of my credential. He began talking to us in Spanish about what he wrote, then he realized we didn't know what he was saying. He then started to stop people who were walking by to try and find some to translate. A guy ended up being able to speak English and told us he wrote "Everyone on the Camino are brothers and sisters." It was really cool to see someone taking time out of their day to do that for others.
Our next stop was at a little cafe with two donkeys outside! They were so cute! It was funny because they kept trying to get into people's stuff. You would have to keep an eye on your backpack to make sure they weren't chewing on it, and watch out for your food while eating. There was one that kept trying to eat me and Lanie's food, March would try and push it away but it was being so stubborn. Then it started making the noise that donkeys make. It was hilarious! It was so loud and it just kept going and going.
We arrived at the hostal around 2:00. As soon as me and Lanie hit the bed we were out. We woke up about 2 hours later, showered, then went to the supermarket with Mimi. On the way we passed a street and could hear people singing, they were still going on our way back to the hostal so we went to see what it was. There was a band set up in some heard, with a bunch of kids sitting in front of it singing along to hymns. Adults were walking around on the porch hanging out and singing along. It looked like a lot of fun. We headed back, made dinner, and now are relaxing in our room.
14 days down, 14 to go. We're half way there!!
Special thanks for the day goes to:
John Overton, Harold and Ruth Westlund, and Les and Lori Adams.
Many thanks to our mile sponsors as well:
Jack and Sabra, Margaret Tejeda, Samantha A. Morris, Daniel Padilla, Tauna Nelson, and Debbie Leiken.
Half way there guys! Stay strong and have fun! Every step that you guys take makes the whole city of Springfield VERY PROUD!